Posted on May 11, 2016 Posted By: adminCategories: Third Culture Kid
The Dilemmas of TCK’s
The Third Culture Kid is made up of an intricate web of cross-cultural experiences, various languages, varying expectations and heightened awareness. A true amalgamation of the places he/she has lived. The major challenges are faced when the child is old enough to begin to reason, become aware of self-identity and formulate opinions. I would say it subconsciously begins around 8 or 9 and goes full blast into the teenage years. This is the period where the greatest challenges are faced. Here is a brief list. On this website I shall expand on some of these in later blogs entries. These are here some identifiers for now.
It is important to deal with these issues and be prepared for them. Not dealing with them can really cause major despair, unmanaged anger, bitterness and bad judgement.
Who can relate? What else could you add to the list? Are you a Missionary Kid/TCK/ATCK(Adult TCK)?