Music Education
This may come to many as a surprise...well, maybe not...I am a musician as well. My main instrument is the guitar but I also play Brazilian percussion and the bass. After several years of heading up a band, I decided to further my music knowledge and so I took an online course by Berklee School of Music and then studied at Glendale Community College in their jazz program.
Everywhere I go I connect with musicians. My intention is to take skilled musicians to assist in music seminars in Haiti and anywhere else. I've already been asked to do this in Guinea Bissau, West Africa!
Orphanage Sponsorship
In 2012 I was first introduced to an orphanage by a missionary friend in Haiti. I led a medical team there and we were able to address a few health issues and a problem they had with their water well. It is located in Croix des Bouquets, somewhat remote from the big city of Port au Prince. This particular orphanage is small, approximately 20 children and is overseen by Pastor Auguste and his wife.
Every trip I make to Haiti I stop by and visit to follow up and buy about a months supply of food. It is my desire to build a stronger relationship with Pastor Auguste and especially the children. See more on the Haiti Orphanage page.
To have a mentor means to have someone you can depend on, who is in your corner. If a large percentage of children don’t have someone to guide and teach them in a mentoring relationship, imagine an orphan who has not even a parent. I believe mentoring is essential for a child/young person’s personal growth development.
The goal is to begin to establish mentoring relationships in the orphanage in Croix des Bouquets. This will offer shared opportunities for learning for both the mentee and mentor.
Church Partnership
The Bible knows nothing of lone Christians, but rather of faithful communities of believers who follow Jesus together. I am committed to partnering with local churches, ministries and nonprofit organizations which take many different forms and expressions.
In the adjacent picture I am with Pastor Frederic Nozil. Pastor Frederic is a good friend and partner in ministry. He also is my teacher in Haitian culture. His church has a very dynamic young adult group which is very active in their local community. On my last trip there I joined them in doing visits at a cancer hospital in Port au Prince.
Leadership Development
“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant” Matthew 23:11
As Christians we are called to serve, therefore being propelled into becoming servant leaders. To truly learn of what servant leadership is, one must follow Christ’s command and example. This leadership development is one that underlies every project being developed. It is a partner to the mentorship program and is a way of life I am committed to. Leadership development programs will be inserted into the projects the following ways:
•Guest speakers
•Resources such as books/literature translated into local language
•Leadership training seminars for local leaders to provide continuity
Short Term Team Leading / Training
I have been involved in short term missions team training and leading since 2010. During that time I developed a leader’s guide booklet to assist short term missions leaders during their mission with their team members. Given my background as a “missionary kid” who grew up between two continents I have been able to identify details and key factors to help make the experience safer and heighten the awareness of team leaders and members.
With the development of the orphanage project and introduction to new ones, great volunteering opportunities will be available to short term teams.