The MK Chronicles

The MK Chronicles - Friends in Your "Home" Country   The picture may suggest I had no American friends, or that MK's don't become friends with Americans.  That really isn't the point of the graphic.  If you're an MK or TCK you'll get it.  The real meaning behind this

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Dilemmas of the TCK

The Dilemmas of TCK’s The Third Culture Kid is made up of an intricate web of cross-cultural experiences, various languages, varying expectations and heightened awareness. A true amalgamation of the places he/she has lived. The major challenges are faced when the child is old enough to begin to reason, become...

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The Hidden Immigrant

The Hidden Immigrant – My Personal TCK Syndrome This defines me. It also defines thousands of others out there.  The “Third Culture Kid”. “A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents’ culture.  The TCK builds...

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